Tag Archives: nikki lipstick

Pink Is a Way of Life

pinup1 Yeah, I’m just a bebop baby, and I don’t take nothing from no one!leatherrebel3leatherrebel  This Is my baby, no intentions on selling this one. Sometimes you have to make yourself something special. I have been working on this leather for years now and each piece is personal! Like the Deicide button was given to my little brother at the show and he gave it to me,its rare. The Misfits Pin came off the Coffin Box set I bought at Tower records in my teens. The big Pink Kawaii heart(just like mine) came from my friend’s line Lil Miss Alphabet.Love her. Complete with my Dollcult Barbie, Iconic Nikki Lipstick Pin!9 The Dr.Frank N Furter button is everything! I want to be him! My mom wore this pin on her leather when I was little. I always tried to steal it and was never successful. Only two valentines ago she sent it to me in the mail with her pink baby shoes, and other special pieces she wanted me to have. I cried! Tears of joy. We bonded hard of Rocky Horror Picture show! I even taught my 4th grade class the time warp for show and tell. It is Still my favorite movie of all time! Loved his leather!ho leathazYou can take the girl out of the street, but you can’t take the street out of the girl! Here is me in 1999 rocking my first leather as a baby gutter punk. Getting Turnt in the Horton Plaza Mall Bathroom. My friend Leah Took it, glad she did. 991099102 Being part of the punk scene was so inspirational. Going to shows was fun. Besides the music, the message, Non conformity, no fucks given, and fuck you! There were the coolest looks around! Girls and boys fully charged with colored hair, and one of a kind styles. Decorated Vests, Hand painted leathers, Pants sewn with dental floss, patches, buttons, lighter tops, studs, animal print, plaid, band shirts, bondage belts, spiked braclets,chokers, and other cool things. I wish I was as talented then as I am now or I would have graced the steets with this jacket sooner. I am finally making all the things I wanted to make then, but better! leatha  I decided to go with pink because This is my leather, and pink is my favorite color! Also just because I am wearing pink, dose not mean I can’t kick your ass any less hard than I can if It were in all black. Not that I advocate violence, I just never got the concept of looking weak because of a certain color. I was made fun of for wearing all black growing up too, people will say anything. Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder. A lot of people comment, you should throw more thrash metal on there dude, or Theme it all punk, all metal…whatever! I thought about those things due to social pressure, but standing out is not about fitting in.. Be yourself! That and, this is MY Jacket! SO that is why I have; Joy Division, Siouxsie, Cramps, Night of the Living Dead, Misfits,Thin Lizzy, Lou Reed, Megadeth, Maiden, SUB HUM ANZ, Black Flag, Bettie Page, Operation IV, Sepultura, Sex Pistols, Danzig, Marilyn, Bruce Lee, lots of Fucks,  Butthead, and Love is in Mixtapes! All stuff I love, am passionate about, and listen too often. Music that shaped me, and even saved my life. So it a story, aside being a fashion piece. 6 I started by painting counless layers of baby pink paint on the chosen sections and sleeves. Then I painted on the animal print because DUH! Then my little bro came over, we watched old punk films from my library, and went to town. It takes forever to Heavy a jacket and I haven’t done one like this before. I spaced them very close, and went through bags of cone studs. If you try this at home your fingers will be sore! I still have hours to clock in on this baby. I glued crystals in between the studs as well so it really sparkles!radf beauty2 These Pink Heart Platforms by Nikki Lipstick and Y.R.U. go perfectly with this jacket, a match made in Heaven. I love mixing pink and punk, tough and girly. Black and Pink look so good together too!beauty3pinup4 “It’s not my fault that I’m fucked up. I’m just a product of a selfish world. My whole life I’ve been an outcast. Now I don’t care, I don’t want to fit in anywhere!- Naked Agression pinup6“People are so quick to judge me. I do not care I will not change for them. There’s so much pressure to conformId rather be dead then act fake and end up like them!- NakedAgression. I love this band love her words,and values!pinup2I am also rocking a Nikki Lipstick Pink Stitches collar, a vintage spiked anklet, vintage black bodysuit, tutu skirt, doll leg tights, and a bondage belt I painted pink. Hair is N Rage Bubblegum pink, diluted with conditioner. Handmade the Hello Titty, Nail Polish, and black liquid eyeliner brooches.pinup5pinup7 Later, daddy-ospinup3 Love your life,love who you are,and love other for who they are. Pressure and guilt fuck people up more than what you think is killing them. God is Love.

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Excuse Me. Mistress

baby2 Here I am having countless tea parties with one of my best friends, and I fail to notice she has the cutest stuff right under my nose! Seriously I love each piece! She is a little to quiet about it, because I would have flipped sooner had I known. When you are working hard on your own art, sometimes you miss out on others. I promote for so many cute brands, my friends, my own, but often forget about the closest ones! It bothers me is that I make so much stuff for strangers, and customers, and my mom, tia, grandma, boyfriend, whatever….. are walking around without the baddest custom threads on. No Way! I have always been bad at prioritizing but it is never too late! Ya Know, When you get busy you just dive in, and try to make it all work. So I am dedicating this post to the fabulous creations of My girl Lissette, and her line Madame X. Named after the famous painting. I chose the pieces that really fit into my style, but check out her storenvy to fall in love with one of her pretty creations. Buying from small business and from artists who create things with their own two hands, is so much more beneficial to the world then mass produced clones. So if you want magical vibes, I promise you Madame X will deliver.

Madame X – An Apparel Affair

baby3 What I love about her pieces is they are simple enough to wear with almost anything, but fun, and far from basic. The sizes and lenghts are al perfect too, they fall just right! How Darling is this Handmade baby blue, Pastel Pearl, Macaroon necklace! It is nice and long and I love the colors! My other obsession is this Pink Magic Star Necklace! It looks even better on and really sparkles, but its also so simple and girly. I bought the earrings too! Available at: http://www.storenvy.com/stores/173886-madame-x-an-apparel-affairbaby1I styled the shoot, like always, with lots of accessories, and do my own makeup! I mixed her collection with mine for some pastel puuuurfection. The mint powder puff ping, and beauty brooches are up on my shop. Macymarie.storenvy.com. I also made the adorable cotton candy rainbow shawl. I have this vintage marabou one that I treasure, so I made a pattern from it to create this one. When I get a hang of the cost and work to make them, I plan to sell a few limited edition ones on my shop.baby6 The top, if you can call it one, LOL, is vintage as well. Go to thrift stores! They are filled with treasures like this! This color combo of pastels is my favorite, pink, mint, and baby blues forever! I tend to lean towards gold too, guess I’m just gaudy like that. But Look how pretty!past3 Been Dolling around in this look for days. The Brocade Pastel with Gold on the sleep mask is so pretty together! The matching Antoinette Choker is also to die for. Only a few left so check it out. I wear the star necklace with everything! Perfect layering necklace, and so light! Tickle Me Pink. The beauty brooches are coming soon! Not only am I obsessed with layering pins on jackets, but I am also with beauty shop nostalgia! I have been obsessed with lipstick, nail polishes, perfume bottles, brush mirror sets, powder puffs, eyeliner, mascara, and other things of that nature…since I was a kid. The sight of vintage beauty ads, old movies, and images of Vanity’s just give me the chills! The whole ritual of dolling up, curls, makeup, dancing in your lingerie, its what makes us girls! No I really love it, my favorite part of the day or night, never gets old. So I had to make these babes. I made some fun summer ones too. Baked, hand painted, and decorated by me! beauty past I also scored this adorable 6o’s pastel baby doll dress, I wear it out I don’t care. Pacify Her, Now to drink something sparkly and pink like my soul!past2  My closet is Fifty Shades of Pink right meow. What to wear first.closetMY new PINK YRU & Nikki Lipstick Shoes fit perfectly into my life! Get some if you can they are Spice girls REALNESS! HEART Eyes forever! Wear with ruffle socks! Eat lollipops, and throw a tantrum in them! Have a Pity Party!cb1I’m laying in a pile of my favorite colors right now! Listening to CRYBABY! I love the illustrations, and the story.cb4cb3 99 bobby pins and I can’t find one! Pin Up Girl problems.cbbbb PUFF PUFF PASS TELL.cb5  Her heart’s bigger than her body. Her Name is CRYBABY. crybabr I am a big crybaby! When I first heard the album I was so in love, so fun to sing and dance to. I like all the songs so I had to buy the album. Plus tells a story and the booklet is to die for. Illustrated by Chloe Tersigini. Below is one of them. So, I have had this adorable little pink metallic leather jacket for years now, and did not know what to paint on it until that song came on. I grabbed a brush, some white paint, and free handed it. Then I thought of my favorite fashion club crier from DARIA, Stacey! Had to paint her on the back but with a pastel makeover. Painting her also made me think of how cute those bobble hair ties she wore are. Inspired, I went out and bought tons of them at the beauty supply shop. Got some more hair clips too NEVER ENOUGH! I am a 90s girl. BTW, Giving them out with purchases too! Then I put on some cherries on her for a personal and a rockabilly twist, then some jeweled tears. This cutie is available on my shop MEOW! Macymarie.storenvy.comcb6  She cried until she then could see. That she wasn’t even worthy of All her love and ABCs. So she spelt fuck you in 123!cb7 I also went back to pink, because I feel like I should have been born with this color! Don’t see the world in black n white, see it in shades of pink. Support local music, and small business! Shop from artists, designers, your friends, work together and make magic, make love. Make Up your own mind, and let your conscious be your guide. Trust in yourself. Wear whatever you like, and always be you! Be good to yourself and see the light in everybody! Be grateful for what you have and believe in whats to come. Don’t Judge, or try to change people, love them for who they are. Have empathy and help each other grow but Don’t grow up it’s a trap!gwen

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