Tag Archives: lox

Happy New Year

pulla3pulla5pulla4pulla6pulla7 pulla8Sorry about the Late blog entry, but much needed, New Years is a big deal to me. Its a another chance to start over, mostly recover from the holidays. Its easier to set our minds in a good way. I feel like the new year carries a strong contagious positive energy.Resolutions, are great, writing a list of goals helps you organize and anticipate the coming year. Every year my goals change as I become older, wiser, and more comfortable in my skin. The more adversity, the stronger I become. The tears, let downs, work problems, money problems, and tragedies only thicken your skin. The more you stand up for yourself the easier the next criticism will be. Always stay true to yourself. The beginning of the new year we reflect and think about what is really important, how you can improve from the year before, and positive changes we can make.We gain a fresh perspective on life. It is important to celebrate the New Year, and as pleasant, loving, and beautiful as you can. Traditions make things special, that is why I head to the beach every New Year in a pretty white dress, I jump 7 waves, and make a wish over each one. I sip champagne with the love of my life, hand in hand as we dream away. Celebrate your life on this earth, how and when you want. Live in the moment, if you are stuck in a rut, what option do you have but to make the best of the situation. Staying positive and keeping your energy that way can be a struggle, but you have to to survive. Let go of fear, doubt, negative criticism, judgement, and worries. Take care of number one. Always be yourself, that is all you’ve got, if you don’t like who you are, find a way quick, and start living. People may not like you, maybe never will, so move on and go where you are celebrated, not tolorated. You can’t controll how people think, but you can controll your actions. People may adore you so don’t overlook them to please the ones who are not worthy of your company. If you carry the light, then shine, darkness will try to bring you down. The more you shine the more attention you will get, negative and positive. Just remain you. Enjoy life, free your mind, open your heart and your home, and live in 2014. Live in the moment. Put down your phones, and head to nature.Year of the horse is upon us and all good will be rewarded. Lots of luck, and adventures are in store people, so start celebrating, and expressing your self. pulla1 I didn’t have time to make a Pulla for Christmas this year, so I made one for New Years Day. Pulla is a Finnish braided sweet coffee bread I make traditionally every year for the holiday. I give them out as gifts, or enjoy with good company and coffee. I love watching it rise all day by the fire. pila1p9 While we waited for the pulla we watched Hung, drank cold stellas, and made more Scandinavian munchies. I made Lox, dill, and cream cheese topped toasted bagels and fresh grapefruit, orange juice mimosas. Always fresh squeeze your juice, take the extra time, your body deserves it. You only live once. God I love this meal, so perfect. Brunch is the best!pila2 Can you just smell the Cardamom, and feel the warmth. I love to make this. cupid

And remember “hard work good, Hard work fine but firs take care of Head”-Sublime Happy New Years xoxo


Filed under fashion & photos, inspiration